The 2023 Cumberland County Veterans Day Parade will be on Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 1000 hours.
This year’s theme will be “We Fought For Liberty”
The 2023 Grand Marshals are:
LTG Christopher T. Donahue, XVIII Airborne Corps & Fort Liberty Commanding General
Command Sgt. Maj. Bryan D. Barker XVIII Airborne Corps Fort Liberty, N.C.
COL John Wilcox, Fort Liberty Garrison Commander
CSM Gregory A. Seymour, Fort Liberty Command Sergeant Major
If you are interested in participating, please visit our application page.

The Parade will begin on Cool Spring and Person Streets and end at Hay Street and Pittman Lane (Just past Fayetteville City Hall) and at the end of Cool Spring and Pearson Streets.
If you have questions about the parade you can contact Toshiba Narcisse, CCVC Sr Vice President and Veterans Day Parade Chairwomen, at 504-810-5085 or